Image 1 + 2: 'Island of information' containing Nya Konst: Open Source Publication (100 pieces). Documentation by David Eng.
The rest of the images is documentation by Kamilla Mez.
Possesing this publication suggests that you’ve been interacting with my Augmented Reality (AR) installation Nya Konst. It is not obligatory to read this publication in order to have a fulfilling experience with my AR installation. Rather, the publication is intended to become a work on its own, although it is not particularly disconnected from this particular site of Götaplatsen in Göteborg, Sweden. Through different writing strategies, I seek to extend my thinking and aims around what AR technology can offer as a critical medium.
Therefore, this publication seeks mainly to do three things:
Firstly, it introduces the process and work I have been developing for this graduation show. Situating an AR installation around Götaplatsen unfolds a thinking about the site as a craft center for culture, contemporary and future art production in the city of Gothenburg, yielded by the art museum, the art hall, and the future institution for art and design — the Nya Konst building for HDK-Valand.
Moreover, this publication puts forward a lexicon I’ve been creating to try to convey my academic and poetic stance in the installation. Again, it is not essential to possess this knowledge to fully grasp this work around Götaplatsen. Rather, this lexicon could be consumed as an independent piece as it unravels some of the terms, objects, and concepts present in my work throughout this MFA program.
Lastly, this publication gives you, the reader, some tools to develop your own AR space. By suggesting a series of programs to help you grapple with realizing your own artificial zone of fantasy overlayering real space. Space is expensive, space is limited, space is work. With this, I advocate for a new utilization of AR that enables alternative spacing...
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